Blackwork Design: Julia


SKU: 9788875473778 Category:


€ 10.00 – COVER PRICE*
* Prices on Fishpond may change depending on your delivery location.

by Valentina Sardu for Ajisai Designs
Product type: Blackwork chart
Stitch count: 109 x 132
Stitches: Holbein Stitch
Instructions in English, French and Italian

Julia - blackwork chart by Ajisai - bag photo2

Note: the bag in the picture is just an example of what you can create with this chart.


  1. chantal bourgeix

    Je souhaiterai obtenir la grille de julia valentina
    Chantal Bourgeix

    • Ajisai Press

      Hi Chantal, all our designs are now only available exclusively as paper charts through Book Depository or Amazon (including Amazon France) and other retailers.

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